“Io sottoscritta Monire Alizadeh
Norani, madre di Saeed Siddiqui spiego a voi ,brevemente, la
situazione della mia dura vita affinché possa forse salvare la
vita del mio innocente giovane figlio, nonché custode della mia
Con la perdita di mio marito avvenuta
nel 28.02.1999 a causa di una grave malattia incurabile:MS, ho fatto
crescere mio figlio con fatica e mille problemi. Ora che l'età
avanza, dopo Dio, tutta la mia speranza è Saeed , il mio figlio più
grande, che dopo dieci mesi di carcere di cui due mesi passati in
isolamento, torturato crudelmente, ora sta aspettando la sua
esecuzione di pena.
Dunque chiedo disperatamente alla
comunità internazionale di impedire l'esecuzione di mio figlio “
ترجمه به انگلیسی
I am Monireh Alizadeh Nurani, mother of Saeed Sedighi. I am giving you a summary of my life which has been full of challenges and difficulties. I am hoping that you help me rescue the life of my son who is also the person who puts food on our table.
We lost the head of our family on 2/28/1999 due to the horrible disease of MS. As a single mother I woreked hard to raise my children and after the almighty God, I rely on my oldest son Saeed.
Saeed has spent 10 months in jail, two months of which,he has spent in solitary confinement and has been severely tortured. Now he is awaiting execution. I am begging the international community to do all they can to stop the execution of my child.
Monireh Alizadeh Nourani
Saeed Sedighi's mother
I am Monireh Alizadeh Nurani, mother of Saeed Sedighi. I am giving you a summary of my life which has been full of challenges and difficulties. I am hoping that you help me rescue the life of my son who is also the person who puts food on our table.
We lost the head of our family on 2/28/1999 due to the horrible disease of MS. As a single mother I woreked hard to raise my children and after the almighty God, I rely on my oldest son Saeed.
Saeed has spent 10 months in jail, two months of which,he has spent in solitary confinement and has been severely tortured. Now he is awaiting execution. I am begging the international community to do all they can to stop the execution of my child.
Monireh Alizadeh Nourani
Saeed Sedighi's mother
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